Monday, January 28, 2008

Diane Mclean - South African Artist

South African artist Diane McLean was born in 1963 at Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape.
Diane McLean received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Rhodes University in 1984, with distinction in Painting, followed in 1987 by her Master of Fine Arts from the same institution.
Her favourite media are oils, gouaches and pastels, and her subject matter ranges from portraits and nudes to landscapes, architectural studies, and still life. Her work is primarily figurative but with a strong atmospheric quality achieved by the use of muted colour.

Diane McLean has participated in approximately 60 group exhibitions since 1984, including selection for major national exhibitions.

Her work is to be found in private, public and corporate collections in South Africa. Diane McLean also has work in private collections in France, Portugal, UK, Australia, Venezuela, Hong Kong, Greece, Spain and USA.

Diane McLean lectured in Painting and History of Art for eleven years and is currently painting full time from her studio in De Rust in the Klein Karoo.

Monday, January 21, 2008

South African Artist Sharle Matthews

South African artist Sharle Matthews is a BAFA graduate of Rhodes University, majoring in painting and history of art. She began her working life as the head of the art department at Mmabatho High School in 1985, later taking up the post of Fine Art Lecturer at the University of the North West in 1993.

From 1997 Sharle Matthews worked as a book illustrator and in 2000, began work as a full time artist. While she has worked in numerous media (with a background in painting), her most recent work has been collage. In 2001, Sharle Matthews had her first solo exhibition at the Karen McKerron Gallery. In 2002 she had her second solo exhibition at the Stewart Gallery and has also participated in numerous group exhibitions.

Sharle Matthews has works in private and corporate collections both in South Africa and internationally, including the USA, Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, Belgium, and Australia.

More Information on this South African artist

Monday, January 14, 2008

South African Artist Collen Maswanganyi

South African artist Collen Maswanganyi comes from a family in a village in Giyani that abounds in artistic talent. Maswanganyi's father, Johannes Maswanganyi is an acclaimed South African sculptor who has exhibited both locally and internationally.

Collen Maswanganyi was taught his sculpturing skills by his father, although he has attended a tertiary institution to refine his skills

Collen Maswanganyi's art incorporated issues relating to both the African traditions that he has been raised with and the modern world he lives in, while he also depicts the life of traditional Africans - their dressing, lifestyles and customs, he also contrasts this with Africans participating in the modern, hi-tech world. His work represents hardworking African people in the corporate sector. He also acknowledges the advantages of modern inventions and how they can impact on rural life in a positive way.

The mobile phone is used to represent the easiness of communication that can now be attained through this technology. Mobile phones have created a way of working miles from home but still being able to keep in touch with loved ones in the rural areas.

More information on this South Africa artist

Monday, January 7, 2008

Arcy Art Original Oil Paintings

A prosperous new year to you all !

This year I will continue to feature South African artists in my blog. These artists are all listed in the ArcyArt directory of South African artists. Remember that all South African artists are able to join this directory, this is a free service and it costs artists nothing to join the directory. International artists can also join the international directory of artists for free.

I will also be adding a lot more of my own paintings this year. Last year was a slow year for my own art as I was tied up with the development of a few new web projects. One of these websites is and I invite you to have a look at this site.

As always we will be updating our upcoming art exhibitions page with new and exciting art exhibitions all over South Africa in 2008.