Nico Phooko, South African artist, temps us with his visual mastery and command of a melody of sounds, witch colorfully leap’s at us off the canvas. He exploits various mediums including collage, acrylics oils, inks, and found objects.
Nico Phooko was inspired as a teenager by the works of prominent artists in his hometown. Nico took to art not only as a hobby by a noble career to flourish and nourish and upon an arty advice, he enrolled at the Bill Ainsle Found Private art College the Johannesburg Art Foundation where he studied for Graphic Design basics and a three year fine art Diploma course.
Nico Phooko's commitment for the sustenance of African values, ethics and re-induction of meaningful traditional ways of life is evident in his approach to technique, he sometimes collage found objects with rusted nails, cow dung, grass, Hessian and an assortment of natural pigments .His use of rich and natural colors sing a grasping and flexible piece of music that remind us of a time and space known but not to date.
"My works spring from my passion for music, the politics of challenging the lampooning the power of ancestral feasts that have been a part of my mother’s family life, the sensations of romantic engagements and the solace of domestic and social love, peace and harmony. There are mysterious forces that prompt us all to found relief in music, the very powerful strength that accelerates the confidence of accepting that we are what we are because of the incomparable and the ordinary people who saw the earth prior to our life form. The ones who’s strength of mind will always have a special place in our lives. In view of the fact that we are not the end of human evolution. We are for that reason indebted to pass on to future generations’ sound aspirations of loving our immediate families, be in awe of our friends and value our neighbors and communities as a general rule”.