Monday, January 29, 2007

This week I made good progress with updating the South African Historical Artists directory. The following artists have been added to the directory: Irma Stern, Alice Tennant, Erenest Ullman, Maurice Van Essche, Jean Welz and Florence Zerffi. I will be taking a break for a couple of weeks from updating the directory but will definitely return at a later stage to work on it again.

The new project I started on is the Art Dictionary; it will contain a list of widely used art terminology with a definition of each term. I am currently busy with art terms beginning with A and will be adding terms daily for the next couple of weeks, this will be an ongoing project and I am aiming to develop it into the most comprehensive art dictionary on the web. I am hoping that this dictionary will be usefull for art students and artists in their research.

I have just updated the South African Art Exhibitions section and there is plenty of worthwhile exhibitions throughout the country for you to visit this week.

My third oil painting in the "Dust To Dust" series of paintings is coming on nicely. I am enjoying working on it and I am excited at how it will come out as it is quite a bit different from the first two paintings I did. I finished the first layer of the painting and started today on the second layer. When working on an oil painting I usually work in layers with the first layer of paint heavily diluted with mineral turpentine. As I add more layers I use less turpentine and more raw linseed oil until I only mix raw linseed oil with the oil paint on the fourth or fifth layer. This is a traditional oil painting method called "fat over lean".

I am still looking for fine artists both internationally and from South Africa to join our artists directory, it is completely free to get listed and we will not take any commission on the sale of your work. Please apply here for inclusion in the artist directory.

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