Wednesday, May 2, 2007

South African Artists

This month we continue our series of featured South African artists listed on the South African artists directory of Arcy Art Original Oil Paintings.

Peter Binsbergen's art works speak vigorously for themselves. It is exactly through their strong visual impact that they convey their message or rather messages. What messages, could be asked. They are messages of both the past and the present, messages of struggle, messages of lost dreams and even messages of human brutality. But pay special attention to his generous use of symbols form the world of fauna and flora. What does that mean? It means life and freedom, since wild animals in their natural state roam freely. And trees, shrubs and flowers grow and bloom abundantly in freedom.

Movement and growth in freedom, that is a message which Binsbergen's fauna and flora convey to us. At the same time, however, he brings another threatening message, namely a message of destruction. Through human interference with wild life and plants, whether through the destruction of the gun, or careless methods of financial gain, we ran the risk of destroying our ecology. At a first glance, the symbols you see, appear disparate and confused. But seen against the vast spaces in which the artist situates them, we understand that they become mirror images of our lives. The ultimate messge is very clear: we live in our own personal space, we live in the space of our land and it is up to us to gather our treasures in form of symbols.
Peter Binsbergen in his art, combines intellectual and emotional qualities. This is the essence of a good work of art. One can look at a beautiful painting and may feel aestethically uplifted. However, after a while, the initial feeling of beauty may simply turn into boredom, because it lacks the stimulus of intellectual.

Binsbergen's works will never fail to excite and stimulate because they combine a strong visual impact with intellectual depths. To put it very shortly: to live with one of his works will constantly stimulate your thoughts and fantasies and provide you with much aesthetic pleasure.

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